Sons Of Liberty Wiki

Members of the Enclave in a player's modded play through. Note the distinct Plasma Rifles being wielded by them.

Plasma weapons are the staple form of weapons technology employed by the Enclave, one of the oldest and most recognizable of factions in the Fallout series. Plasma weapons utilize electronic-manipulation of plasma fired in the form of a coruscating bolt. Plasma tech is pre-war in origin and became the weapon of choice for high-end military and paramilitary groups within the series.

In the lore of the series, the original plasma weapons were large, bulky heavy-weapons that utilized superheated plasma as their discharge ammo. Plasma was highly effective against both soft targets and opponents wearing armor, making it ideal for use in the Sino-American War.

However, these weapons were too bulky and required highly specialized training in order to be deployed in the field with any degree of effectiveness. This led to the ineventual minituarization of the plasma technology, including it's use in pistol-form and even plasma grenades.

Fan-made weaponry has also been based on plasma tech, such as variations of the Plasma Gattling Gun which was a major weapon in the Fallout: New California fan-made game-size mod.

Plasma Weapons as Mark of Technological Superiority:[]

The Enclave, from their first introduction in Fallout 2, has always been portrayed as a faction that is technologically ahead of most other factions, particularly the Brotherhood of Steel which has been a major staple of the entire Fallout series.

The use of Plasma Weapons, which are superior to the energy-based weaponry of the Brotherhood of Steel, is one way in which the creators of the series have portrayed the Enclave as being a faction of deep resources and pre-war scientific know-how.



