Videos from across Youtube that pertain to American history and Americana.
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All items (739)
- File:"A Time For Choosing" -Tribute to the USA 2017 HD
- File:"Dump it Off" - Boston Tea Party Song ("Shake it Off")
- File:"Kill the Messenger" Resurrects Gary Webb, Journalist Maligned for Exposing CIA Ties to Crack Trade
- File:"Marching Through Georgia" - Union Civil War Song
- File:"Mystery Airship" Sightings, 1896 - 1897
- File:"The Flatwoods Monster" Urban Legend Profile
- File:"The Snow Cruiser"-Antarctica's Abandoned Behemoth
- File:1. Alternative Therapy for Pain- Fighting the Opioid Crisis
- File:10 Creepiest Urban Legends From America
- File:10 Discoveries Made in National Parks
- File:10 Mind-Blowing Facts About President Trump's Vehicle
- File:10 Myths About Government Debt
- File:10 Strange Facts About the Nevada Triangle
- File:10 Things About Patriotism
- File:13 Keys to Predicting Who Wins an Election
- File:170 feet deep Gulf of Mexico mystery fish
- File:1898 1st U.S. Volunteer Cavalry "Rough Riders" - A History
- File:1929 The Great Depression Part 1
- File:A Blacksmith's Passion - Creating Old From New
- File:A brief look at Roger's Rangers
- File:A Deer Migration You Have to See to Believe National Geographic
- File:A Deputy US Marshal Must Arrest His Own Son
- File:A Game That Lets You Become President Of America
- File:A history of the Religious Right How Evangelicals became Republicans
- File:A Lost World (1600-1680) - Philadelphia The Great Experiment
- File:A Mack montage for Richard "Mack" Machowicz from Future Weapons
- File:A night at the Pine Barrens
- File:A SEAL Team SIX Member Reveals How To Escape A Kidnapping
- File:A Short Documentary on the Leni Lenape Tribe
- File:A Silver Certificate versus a Federal Reserve Note
- File:A Tour of The Library of Congress' Library of Awesome
- File:A Walk Through the Smithsonian National Air & Space Museums
- File:Abandoned Mental Hospital with Power Still On
- File:About the Architect of the Capitol
- File:Abraham Lincoln Pancake Mystery SOLVED - TFTI Update
- File:Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter
- File:Abraham Woodhull's final resting place
- File:AC3 The Tyranny of the King Washington OST - Assassin's Creed III Main Theme (WoS Remix) (Track 01)
- File:ACTV Presents- Boy Scouts Visit the Flagstaff Medical Center
- File:Ad Victoriam, But Why?
- File:Alabama City Ordered To Stop Flying Christian Flag
- File:Allegheny Mountain Joe withCC copy
- File:Alternate History- What If The Pirate Republic Survived?
- File:America Is On The Brink
- File:America's First Rebel- Roger Williams and the Birth of Liberty
- File:America's Frontier History Expedition
- File:America's Great Indian Nations - Full Length Documentary - 3689
- File:America's Militia's Why The FED Fear Us! Full Documentary 2015
- File:American Conquest - War and peace
- File:American Cowboys in Afghanistan ArmA 3 Fustercluck
- File:American Dad Best Moments Season 11 - 12
- File:American Harpsichord Music of XVIII Century,Olivier Baumont
- File:American hero - Joe Magarac
- File:American History Textbooks' Lies Everything Your Teacher Got Wrong - Myths, Education (1995)
- File:American Landscapes
- File:American Revolutionary Song The Liberty Song
- File:American Supernatural S01E01 WINTER OF THE WITCH
- File:Americas Book of Secrets S1 E11 The Monuments
- File:An Introduction to Rodeo- Bronc Riding
- File:Andrew Jackson Most Terrifying Man Ever Elected President
- File:Anime Boys' Tribute St Patrick Battalion
- File:Anne Hutchinson Religious Dissenter (Religious Freedom in Colonial New England Part III)
- File:Antifa Dork Gives AK-47 Demo
- File:April Morning trailer
- File:Archaeology Florida's Lost Empire (Documentary)
- File:Are the ENCLAVE Hiding in space!? - Fallout Theory
- File:Are You an Anglophile? Get Help Today.
- File:Area 51 Raid What would happen, legally speaking? - Real Law Review
- File:Around the Corner with John McGivern Program 411 -- Rhinelander
- File:Ask a Librarian at the Library of Congress
- File:ASMR - Louisiana, Quebec- History of New France
- File:ASMR Eliza Hamilton’s Independence Day Party
- File:ASMR Whispering Trigger Words Names of all 50 States of America Whispering ASMR
- File:Assassin's Creed 3 Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1
- File:Assassin's Creed III Main Theme Soundtrack Ubisoft NA
- File:Assassin's Creed Rogue Remastered Walkthrough Part 1 - Shay Cormac (4K Let's Play Commentary)
- File:Assassin’s Creed 3 Lorne Balfe - Connor's Life (Track 08)
- File:Audiomachine - Blitzkrieg
- File:AXE GIANT The Wrath of Paul Bunyan Official Trailer
- File:Bagel Boss is a National Treasure!
- File:Bald Eagle Plays Fetch
- File:Barbra Streisand - Lady Liberty (Official Audio)
- File:Battle of New Orleans 1815 - War of 1812 DOCUMENTARY
- File:Bearilla- the Kentucky Werewolf Monster - Boogeymen S2 Ep6
- File:Behind Red Eyes (Original) -Tribute to The Mothman- by StellaRising.wmv
- File:Behind the Scenes with Sons of Liberty Distilling- Savored, not Slurped
- File:Being Betsy- Why Living History Matters - Carol Spacht - TEDxWilmingtonSalon
- File:Believe in America - A Tribute to Liberty and US History
- File:Ben Franklin (Documentary)
- File:Benjamin Franklin and his Glass Armonica
- File:Berend Salverda - Duality Epic Music - Powerful Orchestral Music
- File:Bermuda - A crown jewel in the Atlantic
- File:Best and worst State of the Union addresses in history
- File:Best Dark country music Compilation-01 Western Rock
- File:Best Moments Of The Enclave (Fallout Series)
- File:Best Unexpected Jihad Compilation
- File:Betsy Ross House
- File:Bigfoot Kills Trapper Bauman's Story
- File:Bigfoot spotted in Virginia?
- File:Bilingualism in Canada is a SCAM
- File:Bill of Rights (Shake it off)
- File:Billy Mays vs Ben Franklin. Epic Rap Battles of History 10
- File:Biography Paul Revere The Midnight Rider Documentary
- File:Blues Saraceno - Save My Soul (the men who built america) HD
- File:Boston Massachusetts History and Cartography (1873)
- File:Boston Tea Party A Memestory
- File:Boston Tea Party Museum- The Museum Experience
- File:Boston Yeti Makes His Return During Blizzard
- File:Bourbon & Kentucky- A History Distilled (American Whiskey Documentary) - Timeline
- File:BrainDead CBS Trailer 3
- File:Breaking Down The Battle of Berkeley
- File:Brief History of the Pirate Republic
- File:Bronze Living Statues breaking the rules.
- File:Bump Stock Ban This Is Only The Beginning
- File:Buster Keaton - The Art of the Gag
- File:Busy Revolutionary Tavern Ambience 1HR Fireplace + Drinking Songs + Chatter
- File:CALL OF DUTY MODERN WARFARE (Honest Game Trailers)
- File:Camp Flintlock - Revolutionary War Violin Songs
- File:Canada's weird, left-wing, anti-American nationalism
- File:Capitalism And The American Pandemic Response
- File:Carol of the Bells - Epic Music Version Christmas Songs
- File:Carson Robison - "In The Cumberland Mountains"
- File:Casey Jones Night Mail
- File:Cathedral Lake, Yosemite, Ice singing 12 21 11
- File:Centralia - Full Documentary
- File:CGI Animated Short Film "Attack of the Mothman" by Meg Viola,Catrina Miccicke,Khalil Yan CGMeetup
- File:Chaos in Washington DC after Trump supporters storm Capitol building ABC News
- File:Cherry Blossoms and the Survivor Tree
- File:CIA Corruption Vs. Freedom in America with Ray McGovern
- File:Civil War 1863 - Gettysburg Pickett's Charge
- File:Civil War Music- Southern Version of The Battle Cry of Freedom
- File:Civil War Soldiers - SNL
- File:Clearing the Planet - Scientology
- File:Close Encounters (Documentary)
- File:Cogeneration at the Capitol Power Plant
- File:Colonial America)
- File:Colonial American Music (1492-1763)
- File:Colonial Gunsmith
- File:Colonial Scrip - Currency Act of 1764 US Monetary History
- File:Color footage of soldiers being exposed to high levels of radiation
- File:Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 Rock And Awe OST
- File:Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 Soundtrack - Rock And Awe
- File:Cops Responding to Daniel Shaver Case - OFF THE CUFF- Special Edition
- File:Cryptozoology explained . The Snallygaster?
- File:Cult of the Mothman, The Full Story - Mothman Revisited Fallout 76
- File:Cumberland Gap A Traditional American Folk Song (Old Time Banjo)
- File:Cumberland Gap And Mountains of Eastern Kentucky
- File:D-Day to Germany Cameraman Jack Lieb comments on original footage of 1944-45
- File:Damage Done- The Drug War Odyssey
- File:Daniel Boone Documentary
- File:Dark Magic Music - Salem's Secret
- File:DARPA's Killing US Army Weapons Documentary 2015
- File:DARPA- A Culture of Innovation
- File:Dating Someone Anti-Gun
- File:Davy Crockett (Complete Documentary)
- File:Deals with the Devil- A Brief Musical History
- File:DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE - Sons of Liberty (History Channel)
- File:Decorative Painters at the Library of Congress
- File:Deer Tries to Mate with Girl (Funny as Hell)
- File:Demonstrations of DARPA's Ground X-Vehicle Technologies
- File:Designated Survivor - Official Trailer
- File:Destroying Leftist Racist Symbols of the past does Nothing to Stop Leftist Racism in the Present
- File:Disney- Paul Bunyan (Classic American Legends)
- File:Disturbed - The Sound of Silence (Audio) THE BLACKLIST - 5X08 - SOUNDTRACK
- File:Dixie's Land
- File:Documentary - Thomas Edison - The Wizard of Menlo Park
- File:Documentary- Oak Island
- File:Does Z Nation Do Anything Different with Zombies on TV? - IGN Conversation
- File:Drunken Jack, The Pirate Ghosts and Legends III
- File:Dueling- The Etiquette of Death (Documentary)
- File:Early Japanese Historian Describes Life of George Washington + Foundation of USA (1845)
- File:Edgar Allan Poe - Legend of The Poe Toaster
- File:Elk sounds
- File:Enclave Here! - A Fallout 2 Scene Recreation in 3D
- File:Enclave here, why isn't your video feed working? First cut
- File:Enclave National Broadcast (one hour preview!)